High School & Elementary Announcements
GP Schools will have a 2:00 dismissal on Wednesday, February 5. Shuttle bell and elementary pick up line will begin at 1:45pm.
G-P After Prom is once again selling Shakespeare’s Pizzas. Contact any junior parent if you are interested in ordering pizzas are $13 each. Orders are due by February 6th. Pizzas will be delivered February 21st.
Student Council members who are available should plan on staying after school today and tomorrow to decorate the stage. Thank you!
Griggsville – Perry Families:
Just as many other communities are experiencing outbreaks of illness, Griggsville-Perry is too. We ask that you help reduce the spread of illness by reminding your students of healthy habits. Students should be washing their hands with soap and water, using tissues, and covering their cough. Please remember- If your student is ill, or sent home by the school, they are not allowed to return to school until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. This also applies to students who vomit. A child should not return to school until they have been symptom free for at least 24 hours. We understand it is an inconvenience to take off work, but it is imperative they are not sent back to school and continue to spread illness. Thank you.
We have a HS Track sign up sheet in the office if you are interested in signing up. Please sign up by this Friday.
DATES TO REMEMBER: Since we have returned from Winter Break, we have used three of our five emergency days. We will now be in session on March 28th, April 24th & 25th.
Homecoming Court Practice will be tomorrow and Thursday Morning at 10:00in the gym.
Students driving today – 2nd hr – Payton Cook & Alexis Witham, 1st Lunch – Quentin Booker & Mason Bonner, 2nd lunch – Annabel Kunzeman & Andrea Davis, 6hr – Amelia Bullock & Alexa Dierking.
Homecoming is on Friday, February 14. We have dance forms in the office. If you are planning to bring a guest to the Homecoming Dance that is not a GPHS student, you will need to come get a dance form from the office. It will be due back to the office by Friday, February 7th
Students driving on Wednesday: 1st hr – Wyatt Mowen & Camryn Hoehne, 2nd hr – Leyden Sheley & Alexis Witham, 1st lunch – Andrea Davis & Annabel Kunzeman, 2nd lunch Mason Bonner & Quentin Bonner, 6th hr – Ashtyn Wainman & Amelia Bullock.
GP Students: Do you sing, do you act, do you draw, do you have a talent you would like to share with everyone? If so, please watch for the sign up sheets to participate in the 3rd Annual GP’s Got Talent! Even if you don’t feel you have a talent, we can use your help!
Homecoming Dress Up Days Next Week:
Monday, February 10 NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 11 – Meme Day
Wednesday, February 12 – Decade Day
Thursday, February 13 – Class Color Day
Friday, February 14 – GP Spirit Day
Meredosia – Chambersburg School is shaving a Basketball Camp hosted by a former Harlem Globetrotter Melvin Adams on Saturday, February 8th, 2024 in the Meredosia gym for girls and boys. Grades K 5th is 9:00am to 11:00am for $20 and 6th -12th Grades 1:00pm to 3:00pm for $30. This will include autograph and picture with Melvin. Harlem Globetrotter basketballs will be available for purchase. Registration forms are in the office. For more information phone 217-584-1744 or email asanders@mcsd11.net
Homeroom Meetings:
Tomorrow: 1:15 – Freshmen Class Meeting
Tornado Warning!
Tornadoes will play at home vs. Pleasant Hill. Cindy Lightle is ticket taker and sophomores have concessions.
Thursday 2/6:
Tornadoes will play at Camp Point Central at 6:00pm. Bus time is 4:30.
Saturday 2/8:
Tornadoes will play at Springfield Lutheran located at 2645 Old Jacksonville Rd, Springfield, IL. JV will play at 12:00pm followed by varsity game. Bus time is 10:00am.
Menus are subject to change. Fat free chocolate and low fat milk served daily.
French toast Sticks or Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice
Sausage, Egg Biscuit or Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice
Choc or Powdered Donuts or Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice
Yogurt & Granola or Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice
Lunch Menu:
Toasted Ravioli, Marinara Sauce, Broccoli, Pineapple
Sloppy Joe on Bun, Corn, Romaine Salad, Cherry Tomatoes, Apple Sauce
Chili, Grilled Cheese, Crackers, Baby Carrots, Celery, Clementine
Walking Taco, Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Sour Cream, Salsa, Refried Beans, Mandarin Oranges
Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, Strawberries