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District Wellness Policy
Griggsville-Perry Local Wellness Policy
Griggsville-Perry Cardiac Response Plan
Griggsville-Perry Cardiac Response Plan
Asthma Action Plan Information
Updated February 24, 2023
Important message to parents : If your student has been diagnosed with Asthma and/or requires the use on an inhaler, please contact Gayla Risley to complete the proper paperwork if you have not done so already. Your . . .
Consent to Administer Medication
Updated February 24, 2023
If you have a student that needs to take medication at school, make sure you read and fill out this form. OTC SEND HOME LETTER.pdf This form is also available as a physical copy if you visit the schools or call our office at . . .
Immunization Data reported to the State Board of Education
Immunization Data
Housing Insecurity and Schooling Options through McKinney-Vento Act
In accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act, updated March 9th, 2023
Are you experiencing housing insecurity or are currently homeless? If your family is in a temporary or inadequate living situation due to loss of housing, your child might be eligible for certain educational rights and . . .