Middle School Announcements
Monday, February 3rd, 2025
G-P Schools will dismiss this Wednesday, Feb. 5th at 2pm. Shuttle bus bell will ring at 1:45pm.
Griggsville-Perry Families,
Just as many other communities are experiencing outbreaks of illness, Griggsville-Perry is too. We ask that you help reduce the spread of illness by reminding your students of healthy habits.
Students should be washing their hands with soap and water, using tissues, and covering their cough.
Please remember- If your student is ill, or sent home by the school, they are not allowed to return to school until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. This also applies to students who vomit. A child should not return to school until they have been symptom free for at least 24 hours.
We understand it is an inconvenience to take off work, but it is imperative they are not sent back to school and continue to spread illness.
Thank you.
Students midterms are this Friday, Feb. 7th. Make sure to have your work up to date. Progress notes will be going out on Monday, Feb. 10th.
JH Student Council will be selling crush sodas from Feb. 3rd to Feb. 10th for $2 each. Send one to a friend, crush or anyone you want to brighten their day!
DATES TO REMEMBER: Since we have returned from Winter Break, we have used three of our five emergency days. We will now be in session on March 28th, April 24th & 25th.
The volleyball match that was scheduled with Western on Thursday, January 30th, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 18th with Western @ Kinderhook @ 6pm with a ( C Match @ 5:15pm ). Bus time departing from Perry @ 4:10 pm and Griggsville @ 4:20pm.
Do you sing, do you act, do you draw, do you have a
talent you would like to share with everyone? If so,
Please see Mr. Conkright to participate in the 3rd Annual GP’s Got Talent! Even if you don’t feel you have a talent, we can use your help!
A NEW WEEKLY CHALLENGE IS OUT! Ms. Gates has put together some brain teasers/puzzles for weekly challenges. They are available on the book return outside the library. Puzzles are due by 12:30pm each Friday and winners will be announced before school lets out on Friday’s.
Menus are subject to change. Fat free chocolate and low fat milk served daily
Monday, Feb. 3rd: breakfast combo or cereal, toast, fruit, juice
Tuesday, Feb. 4th: french toast sticks or cereal, toast, fruit, juice
Wednesday, Feb. 5th: sausage, egg biscuit or cereal, toast, fruit, juice
Thursday, Feb. 6th: choc or powdered donuts or cereal, toast, fruit, juice
Friday, Feb. 7th: yogurt & granola or cereal, toast, fruit, juice
Monday, Feb. 3rd: baked potato bar, diced ham, cheese, sour cream, broccoli, fruit
Tuesday, Feb. 4th: sloppy joe on bun, corn, romaine salad, cherry tomatoes, apple sauce
Wednesday, Feb. 5th: chili, grilled cheese, crackers, baby carrots, celery, clementine
Thursday, Feb. 6th: walking taco, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa, sour cream, refried beans, mandarin oranges
Friday, Feb. 7th: chicken strips, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, strawberries
Monday, Feb. 3rd:
Lady Eagles Volleyball at South County (at Franklin) at 6pm. C game starts at 5:00pm. Bus leaves Perry at 3:30pm.
Tuesday, Feb. 4th:
71A 8th grade boys basketball Regional at Barry at 5:30pm. Bus leaves Perry at 4:20pm and Griggsville at 4:30pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 5th:
Lady Eagles Volleyball at Quincy Catholic (at St. Peter’s gym, 2500 Maine St.) at 5:30pm. Bus leaves Perry at 3:30pm.
Thursday, Feb. 6th:
Lady Eagles Volleyball at Pikeland at 6pm. C match at 5:15pm. Bus will leave Perry at 4:15pm and Griggsville at 4:25pm.
Saturday, Feb. 8th:
Lady Eagles Volleyball at Pleasant Hill 8th grade tourney at 9am. Bus leaves Perry at 7:30am and Griggsville at 7:40am.
Q: Why did the fastest cat in school get suspended?
A: ‘Cuz he was a cheetah.
Quote of the week: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”