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Jeff Abell

District Superintendent

Email: abellj@griggsvilleperry.org 

The 2022-2023 school year is Mr. Abell’s first year as the superintendent of Griggsville-Perry School District.


Mr. Abell graduated from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 1996 with a Bachelor's of Science in Kinesiology and completed his Special Education course work at MacMurray in 1997.  Mr. Abell spent two years teaching high school special education at New Berlin and the next nineteen years in Scott County as teacher and coach, with ten of those years at Bluffs and nine at Winchester. 


In 2017 Mr. Abell completed a Master's Degree from the University of Illinois Springfield in Educational Leadership. In 2021, he returned to UIS to earn a Certificate of Advanced Studies for Superintendent and Chief School Business Official Endorsements.


Mr. Abell served as a junior-senior high school principal for five years prior to becoming superintendent at Griggsville-Perry in 2022. Mr. Abell is also on the Board of Directors for the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association.


Mr. Abell served 21 years in the Air Nation Guard, retiring in 2010.


Mr. Abell and his wife, Kristy, have lived in Jacksonville since 1996.  They have four children: Ellie (22), Katie (21), Gus (18) and Adam (14).

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Superintendent Abell speaking with community members, staff, and students at the 2022 Perry Middle School Veteran's Day program.

Griggsville-Perry CUSD 4202 North StanfordGriggsville, IL  62340

p. 217.833.2352

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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